By Ann Fisher-Wirth
I wish you could be here with me
in the cupped hours
between darkness and darkness
where the massive pecan trees
open their nubbins of leaf toward the sky
where a robin hops and bobs through the wild furred daisies
and violets scatter on the scruffy unmown lawn
An anole skitters down the Peace rose dodging the thorns
emerald green
with a throbbing pink dewlap
Bumblebees dive into the yellow snapdragon
and two Carolina wrens zoom past the back porch
where once again they will try to nest
This cup of light holds us
caught between darkness and darkness
though I scrub my hands raw
and lie awake at night full of dread for my children
Ann Fisher-Wirth, Professor in the English Department at University of Mississippi, is the daughter of a career Army officer and an English teacher. Her most recent book, Mississippi, is a beautiful collection of poetry and photography with the acclaimed photographer Maude Schuyler Clay.