By Marilyn L. Taylor
Unlikely Thoughts in a Time of Peril
Wait! A miracle could happen here.
Just look at the moon—is it turning blue
tonight? And can it possibly be true
that’s not an ambulance you hear out there
but the fat lady singing, loud and clear?
Could the cows (woefully overdue)
be coming home at last? I challenge you
to deny a sudden sweetness in the air.
On the other hand, it’s understood
that if we dream too soon about reviving
this forsaken, sickly planet on a tide
of hope, we cut our chances of surviving.
Yet how can we deny that something good,
however inexplicable, is thriving?
Of time you would make a stream upon whose bank
you would sit and watch its flowing.
—Kahlil Gibran
Now I can watch the river.
Now, from this melting oxbow
where I sit with my senses steeping
in the sun, I am witness to the torrent,
but not yet of it.
Soon my perspective will be different.
I will be running with the groundwater
from grave to creek to roaring channel
where, among sticks and gravel
I will wash downstream with the other detritus,
remnants of what once was leaf, garden, gardener,
past the still-invisible piers and posts
of the next generation and the next and next
whose silver bridges
will one day arch, shimmering,
over the strange blue boats
of the remote unborn.
Marilyn L. Taylor, former Poet Laureate of the state of Wisconsin and the city of Milwaukee, is the author of six poetry collections. Her award-winning work has appeared in many anthologies and journals, including Poetry, American Scholar, Measure, and Light Poetry Journal.