Join us Saturday August 14th at 8pm EDT for the third reading of our Geographies of Justice issue in the About Place Journal.
Geographies of Justice re-imagines the maps that divide us into the privileged and the disadvantaged, that value some lives more than others; work that exposes systems of medical, environmental, and economic apartheid. Work that opens itself to the larger world, that takes the long view, that peels back the maps imposed through historical and ecological violence and shows awareness of who and what was here before. Work that is located in sacred geographies, that has come from the difficult ascent, work that is visionary. Poems, essays, stories, and artwork born from ascents and descents, passages through the hollows of grief, and moments of transcendent vision.
The third reading program includes: Michael Battisto, Teow Lim Goh, Liza Katz Duncan, Robbie Gamble, Nicole Walker, and Sarah Stockton.
To join the reading, click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81736193517