BEI + Cutthroat @ CAM / AWP 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Thursday 3/9/23
Join The Black Earth Institute at Common AREA on March 9th at 2:30 pm for an incredible reading with 17 authors, artists, and scholars. BEI readers, along with special guests from Cutthroat, are coming from across the country to share art and literature as part of the AWP writer’s convention. This is going to be incredible and CAM could not be more excited and honored to be working with these amazing people!
Follow the link in our bio for more information on these writers and BEI
Writers include Ann Fisher-Wirth, Lauren Camp, Matty Layne Glasgow, Petra Kuppers, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, DJ Lee, Teresa Dzieglewicz, Richard Jackson, Cynthia Hogue, Melissa Studdard, Connie Post, Alice Zheng, Teri Hairston, Pamela Uschuk, J. Drew Lanham, Jasmine Elizabeth Smith, and Erin Coughlin Hollowell
BEI is an organization whose core values are stated as:
Working Toward A Society Based on Justice, Spirit, and Earth Centeredness. Art promotes an understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings and this earth we share. We believe our art speaks to all through the diverse voices of our artist fellows who are committed to our core values.
Fundamental to BEI is the belief that the arts are a powerful way to create respect for human worth, dignity, and equality while promoting the health of the earth. BEI Fellows and Scholars use their individual and collective voices to promote an understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings and this earth we all share.